Call for Abstracts
The conference Program Committee invite submissions for presentation at the 2024 Australian Elder Abuse Conference.
Titled Turn up the Volume!, the conference will continue to shine a light on the uncomfortable truths about elder abuse and neglect. For too long, the mistreatment of older Australians has been allowed to worsen without substantive and co-operative efforts to drive change and action.
With the number of older Australians expected to double in the next 25 years to around 9 million people, it’s never been more important to repudiate ageism, uphold the principles of equality and confront our nation’s shame.
We invite proposals from people with lived experience, scholars, community organisations, service providers, policymakers, arts-based practitioners and anyone who believes their presentation has a strong contribution to make.
We encourage submissions presenting the perspectives and experiences of diverse communities under every theme and voices, initiatives and programs from remote, rural, regional and metropolitan areas.